Monday, February 2, 2015

L. S. U. Tiger has a new home, too.

Even though my son, David, went to Tex. A. & M., he and his wife, Cyndi, rec'ed. my tiger for Christmas!  I went to L.S.U. In nursing and David was born and raised in Louisiana, so it's in his blood. I almost entered this tiger in the Tex. State Fair but at the last minute decided to enter, Jett, my leopard.  Jett won first place but this tiger could have competed, i think!  My daughter, Laurie, got a tiger, too!  Both pieces were done totally in glass powders.

"Reveille", the Tex. A. & M. Mascot has a new home!

This is my grand-son, Reed and his beautiful wife, Lauren...both Tex. Aggies!  So it was only fitting that Reveille would be theirs!  He is done totally in glass powders.  I worked on him off & on for a year.  I lost track of how many firings but i would guess at least 8-10.  The frame is also fused glass.

My real passion in glass

I hope to continue with this blog even though the 30 day sgrafitto challenge is done.  My real passion in glass seems to be animals but especially cats; large and small.  Here is a batch of kitties that i'm working on now and i also wanted to post a pic of one or two of my big cats so that you can see what i do.  These are all done with glass powders applied in layers and manipulated some with very small tools.  They undergo several firings in the kiln to fuse the glass...a simple one may have 1-2 firings but more complicated ones may have 6-12.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Small collage

This is a small collection of thw work done during the 30 day sgrafitto challenge.