Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day

Well, i opened the kiln Memorial Day morning to find that my eagle ruffled his feathers  and had a hand sized bubble in the lower left area.  The pic here shows that on the left and the direct shot at the bottom of the group shows the elevation.  I immediately went into rescue mode and the picture on the right shows him with his bubble repaired after another day in the kiln!  There are several things about him that i'm frustrated with so he'll probable be dremeled and corrected and off to the kiln again

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Enamels on glass

 A very good FB friend and fellow artist, Evelyn Baker, was kind enough to share some samples of Thompson enamels.  I did some simple tests first...sifting some dry and then the same colors mixed with medium.  I love the way they fire; very glossy and look like the glass.  I don't like paints that fire opaquely and matte.  If i'm doing glass, i want it to look like glass!  Lol.  So yesterday i decided to do a sifted piece with roses since i loved the pinks.  This is simply sifted dry enamels fused to 1400 degrees.  Maybe later I'll slump it into a shallow bowl or plate.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Amur leopard drinking water.

This piece is now complete!  The resource photo was taken by photographer, Paul Sherman, and the stand was made by Joe Sitton.  This is made of glass powders...sifted, manipulated and then fired.  It was probably fired 8 different times.  

Monday, May 4, 2015

New website

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted here.  I've been very involved in writing my Beginner Kitty Tutorial.  I'm not an expert at all, I simply love to do kitties in glass.  I take no credit for developing anything...lol...i'm just a product of many mentors and a little God given talent.  Several people asked so I decided to just photograph and write down the steps.  This is strictly for beginners...glass experts can do far better than me!  My grand-daughter helped in building my website so if anyone wishes to take a look, it's www.kittiesbylinda.com.  I'm offering the tutorial there.  It's been fun and I'm so excited about seeing everyones kitty fused in glass.  Here's one of my recent cubs and he's already on his way to his new home in Wyoming!