Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 14 of Sgraffito Challenge

This is a quick sketch as life has other things for me to do today.  I'm not really afraid of too many things...maybe flying, heights, poisonous snakes but creepy crawly things don't really bother me.  So now you've guessed todays sketch something in powder that you're afraid of.  Here's the dreaded little brown recluse spider...identified by a little fiddle/violin on his back.  His bite is very toxic and i saw a lot of these wounds while doing home care in Texas...bad, sloughing wounds taking a very long time to heal and several led to amputations!  I guess i'm afraid of not seeing him...they're sneaky!


  1. Good job, Linda! I, too, can not stand spiders! I almost drew one, but just looking at spider pictures freaked me out, lol!

  2. Thanks cat killed it! So he's back in the jar!
